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Our greatest safety measure is vigilance.

Please report any suspicious activity or suspected dangers to the appropriate authorities.
Reports may be made through either of the resources below.

KidChat Hotline

1-888-KidChat (543-2428)
(Calls monitored 24/7.)

Anonymous Alerts

Download the App
(Login: conroeisd)

Bus Safety

The Conroe I.S.D. Police Department would like to remind all motorists that school has started. This means that buses will be picking up and dropping off students across the District as we begin another exciting school year. Please slow down, watch for students waiting for the bus, and know when to stop for school bus loading and unloading. We look forward to a safe, great start to the school year in CISD!

Stopped School Bus Traffic Diagram

Pedestrian Crossing Sign

Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety

School has started! Residents of Conroe ISD will begin seeing students and parents walking and biking to school for students to start another exciting chapter in their education. Please remember to slow down, watch for children and parents crossing the road, and pay attention to crossing guards. Thank you for your help in making this a safe, great start to the school year in CISD!

School Zone Safety

The Conroe ISD Police Department would like to welcome parents and students back safely. We ask that motorists keep these things in mind when travelling to or near school campuses:

  1. Slow Down. Watch for school zones. Officers will be conducting traffic enforcement.
  2. Do not text and drive. Especially in a school zone!
  3. Plan for extra travel time on your daily route as we welcome everyone back to school and it gets a little congested.
  4. Watch out for officers directing traffic and for crossing guards crossing pedestrians.

School Zone Speed Limit Sign

Our Mission Statement

The Conroe ISD Police Department focuses on ‘Safeguarding the Future… Today!’

Our mission is to protect the district’s students, employees, and properties. In tandem with the district’s management team, the CISD Police Department provides an orderly and safe learning environment where teachers may teach and students have the opportunity to learn.